Paleo Basics


The Paleo diet is designed to mimic our pre-agricultural diet and eating patterns from the Paleolithic era of our ancestors. The philosophy is we should eat what we are genetically programmed to require. Think of it as a diet of what you are NOT eating anymore. It eliminates processed foods, alcohol, grains, legumes, dairy and sugar. This is a high-protein/low-carbohydrate diet.

55-65% LEAN PROTEIN / 30-40% CARBS / 5% FATS (plant based)

The Good

This diet has gained incredible popularity in recent years after being shunned in the 70s due to the publication of Drs. Eaton and Konner book “The Paleo Prescription: A Program of Diet & Exercise and a Design for Living”.

This diet has proven to be successful for weight loss, regulation of hormones, boosting metabolic rate, reversing metabolic syndrome, improving heart health, and reversing GI and digestive illnesses. (Reference 22 study list) 

Why does it work while consuming meat and high carb fruits and veggies? The simple answer is that our bodies have been programmed for thousands of years to need the good fats, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and carbs it gets from lean meats (and eggs), fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds.  

Direct Benefits

— low-glycemic carbs reduce cravings and increase energy

— high fiber foods aid digestion and make us full longer

— protein contributes to building lean muscle, which burns fat

Omega-3 fatty acids and other healthy fats satiate us, while enabling the body to effectively convert glucose into usable glycogen ==no fat storage

vitamin C in all the fruits and veggies help the body metabolize fat

— low sugar diets help reduce insulin resistance

The Bad

Expect some growing pains…this is a lifestyle change for many of us.  The foods included in the plan offer options to create satisfying meals or you can dine out with little hassle….BUT…

Giving up alcohol, dairy, grains and pseudo grains, sugar, and processed food all at once can be much harder than it sounds.  The cocktail after work with friends, the Sunday Belgian waffle with syrup, the old ketchup and bun with your cheeseburger, the quick fix of a fast food spot…..BYE!  The diet is recommended as a lifestyle…not a quick weight loss program so you really need to be committed. 

The Ugly

Grocery shopping is also a new skill…sugar is hiding in everything these days and you will have to learn how to read labels (sugar is disguised with 56 names). A quick handful of mixed nuts or even those protein bars you love could have unapproved ingredients. There is a learning curve here unless you are very good at elimination and can push through the initial cravings and habits.  The old habits are the hardest to break for most. There is no quantity restriction or regard to calories.  This can be the downfall of person who already is a healthy eater but consumes too much regularly. The open door to healthy fats may spike calories to an unhealthy extreme. 

* Remembering why we chose a diet path is crucial…hopefully it is to fuel our bodies for longevity and optimal health.  

To Consider

There is scientific research dating to 1975 so there has been ample time to study patient populations.  This is more than a theory…it is a proven program for a metabolic shift than can greatly enhance one’s quality of life.  

You have to be ready to give up many ordinary pleasures and buy into the science behind it.  

Pay attention to labels, be aware of what you are eating and learn new ways of nourishing yourself.

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