Pilates Will Change Your Life


By now, everyone knows Pilates as the exercise for long lean muscles and a tone body. But did you know there are amazing health benefits other than the outward aesthetics?  Pilates helps with bone density, back pain, injury prevention, and more. Imagine your toned body being cardiovasculary fit and ready for the challenges of tennis, cross training, or running? One method delivers it all!



Do we agree things head south at 40 without regular attention? Now you can include decreasing bone density to the list.  Bone density is the amount of bone mineral in bone tissue. We peak bone density growth from 25-30 years so it becomes important to keep what we have or replace any lost as early as possible. Studies show bone density can increase by moving our body against the force of gravity. Pilates is low-impact and weight-bearing making it the perfect technique to help build bone density. Pilates also helps to build muscle strength which helps support our bones.



Many of us struggle with acute or long-term back pain, so adding Pilates into your routine might help. Pilates strengthens your core, also referred to as the ‘powerhouse’. We may think of the core as our abdominals, but it is so much more.  Our core is complex and includes all the muscles between the hips and shoulders. Hitting the highlights, we have four abdominals. The front and side torso muscles are the rectus abdominis and transverse abdominis. We have external and deep internal obliques that are known to be a primary reason we don’t fall. Our back extensors and multifidi balance these front muscles by supporting the spine.

Building strength throughout the entire core is imperative for proper alignment. The muscles need to develop and strengthen in balance.  Pilates works the front body in symmetry with the back for this balance. Pilates incorporates lateral flexion, back extension, and rotation. The torso needs to remain flexible while being strong…yes Pilates does this too! Strong and balanced musculature in the core helps relieve back pain.



One of the best ways to prevent injuries is to exercise regularly and stretch often. Pilates instructors lead you into exercises that move your body in every direction possible: flexion, extension, rotation, and lateral flexion while keeping an eye on keep an eye on your alignment. The alignment is the critical part to reaping the benefits of Pilates.  Because every movement in Pilates helps to strengthen and lengthen the muscles, it is the number one exercise program to reduce your susceptibility to injury. Pilates also helps to build strength and mobility around your joints. People love Pilates for this reason because it enhances performance in their favorite sports and activities. Pilates is a controlled, low-impact exercise system and may help alleviate joint pain.



One of the most obvious benefits of a consistent Pilates practice is the increase in the body's range of motion. The exercises in Pilates are dynamic stretches. Instead of stretches being held in a certain pose or position, the muscles are stretched through active movements. You will move in every direction possible using resistance springs creating longer leaner muscles.



Are you sitting at a desk all day on Zoom or have a long commute in the car? Shoulders hunched and rounded from other exercise and tight chest? The number one concern my clients bring to me is posture.  With the regular practice of Pilates, posture improves quickly.  The results are so rapid because the postural muscles of your core, such as the abdominals and back extensors are involved in most of the exercises. Everything is also designed to strengthen and lengthen muscles in balance. Pilates also trains your pelvis to be in neutral alignment. Simultaneously, you are building hamstring, glutes, and pelvic floor strength. New muscular connections are made so think of Pilates as the ultimate form of functional fitness.




Breath is vital to the Pilates practice. One of the cornerstones of the entire method is the emphasis on blood circulation and the intake of oxygen. Proper inhalation and exhalation are key to the full circulation of oxygenated blood throughout the entire body. This allows for the breath to cleanse and invigorate the body.

Pilates breath is all about lateral breathing. Lateral breathing is practiced by taking a deep breath in through the nose and out through the mouth. Think about sending the inhale into the sides of the ribs and back of the body. To feel this a little better, place your hands on the sides of your ribcage. Feel your ribs expand laterally or sideways during the inhale. Feel the ribs pull in towards the midline of the body during the exhale as though your ribs are knitting together. This pattern will allow for an extended abdominal contraction…think about the infamous 100.

Have you heard scoop, scoop, scoop? Inhale to fill the entire torso with air. Exhale by drawing the abdomen to the spine. The exhale is initiated by contracting the pelvic floor, the transversus abdominus, and the multifidi; your powerhouse. By focusing on your breath pattern during the exercises, you will find a deeper connection to the muscles in your body and increase movement.



Pilates is all about focus and concentration. I have always called this the thinking mans’ exercise. Concentration and awareness are critical to executing the movements. This conscious control of a movement directly enhances body awareness.

This awareness will translate to your daily activities of reaching and stretching to the tall cabinet or catching yourself from tripping. You also have time to clear your mind because you are specifically thinking about the movements and body focus. Everything else falls away from your thoughts. I have always found it to be my meditative space.

 With so much focus and concentration on the actual movements, proper alignment, and breath patterns, it's been documented that Pilates helps with brain function as well. Researchers believe Pilates may even have benefits for people struggling with cognitive or degenerate brain issues. Whether you're a newbie to the Pilates world, or an advanced practitioner, there is a class for you! All bodies are welcome at Bespoke Body.      


When Joseph Pilates developed his technique, Contrology, in 1926 he presented the opportunity for optimal muscle control and body conditioning.  In each class, we focus on controlling the muscles against spring resistance and gravity. In order to properly find control over the body, clients are encouraged to find their center, also known as their core. All movements should originate from the center of the body, the core, then move to the limbs(levers). This system develops a stronger connection and control over your body in your everyday life making it the ultimate form of functional fitness.

We share each of these Pilates and benefits with you in hopes to integrate them in your daily life for a happier and more balanced self. Our premium studio not only offers classical Pilates, but other fitness designed with Pilates as the foundation. Trampoline classes align with the same principles but offer more of a cardio challenge including various leg series and small equipment work.  We have a Sculpt class for strength and barre work, Bodhi Suspension System for strength and stretch, a Body Conditioning class for HIIT and stretch, Foam Rolling for myofascial release, and more. Everything is intended to complement each other while keeping you engaged and excited!